PanNature, in collaboration with the Kbang District Agricultural Service Center…

The 7th Annual Meeting of the CSO Forum on Social Forestry in ASEAN
The 7th Annual Meeting of the CSO Forum on Social Forestry in ASEAN is being held in Da Nang, Vietnam on 24-25 June 2018 with the theme “Sustaining Collaborative and Innovative People-centered Actions and Contributions in NDCs and the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Since its establishment in 2012, the Civil Society Organizations Forum on Social Forestry (CSO Forum) in ASEAN has served as a platform for local communities, indigenous people’s organizations, and civil society organizations to communicate key messages to the ASEAN member states through the ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry (AWGSF).

The Forum was also considered as a regular event prior to the AWGSF Conference and Annual Meetings. The platform has contributed to a more people-centered forestry in ASEAN particularly sharing policy lessons and field experiences on the themes of Community Economy and Livelihoods, Forest Tenure and Access Rights, Governance Mechanisms, and Safeguards. The Forum has been annually participated in by up to 40 organizations from 8 countries in Southeast Asia.
An estimated 50 – 70 CSO, NGO, IPOs and POs country-based representatives and CSO Forum participating organizations coming from the 8 ASEAN countries are expected to attend the Forum.

As it enters its 7th annual meeting and the final year of ASFCC program support, the CSO Forum will be reviewing its accomplishments vis-à-vis its targets and plans particularly since the last three years when the CSO Forum has begun more concrete messaging and engagement with the AWG-SF. Similarly, it will also try and review its affirmed recommendations and will reflect on what has been achieved and identify the gap areas at the country level.
The CSO Forum shall also contribute to the 1-day ASFCC organized conference on “Harnessing the Potential of Agroforestry for a Prosperous and Resilient ASEAN” on June 26, 2018 in Danang, Vietnam.
The Forum is organized by the Non-Timber Forest Products-Exchange Programme Asia and the People and Nature Reconciliation (Pan Nature), in partnership with the CSO Forum on Social Forestry Country and Thematic Working Groups, Centre for Sustainable Development in the Mountainous Areas (CSDM), FORLAND, the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) with support from the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) through the ASFCC program, McKnight Foundation, and additional support from MRLG, V4MF Program of RECOFTC, and NORAD.
The Forum’s materials are bellow here:
The Forum’s Concept Note and Agenda
Day 1 – June 24:
Opening Remark by Dr. Le Cong Luong – Deputy Secretary – General Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA)
Regional and Country Context:
Overview of the context of SF and Civil Society engagement in ASEAN region and highlight notable trends and updates – Femy Pinto, NTFP-EP Asia
Social Forestry in ASEAN: Sustaining Collaborative and Innovative People-Centered Actions – A CSO Forum Report
Vietnam Country Context – Nguyen Viet Dung, PanNature, Vietnam
Capacity Building:
Skillshare Session 1A: Governance Mechanisms
The Success of Community Forest – Ronnakorn Triraganon, The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)
Mapping and Database – Anang Setiawan, NTFP-EP Indonesia
Applying smartphone – WebGIS tool for patrolling in PFES Areas, TT Hue & Quang Nam – Nguyen Quang Hoa Anh, WWF Vietnam
Do’s and Don’ts of Forest Monitoring and Assessment – Olivia Melendrez, NTFP- EP Philippines
Skillshare Session 1B: Safeguards
REDD+ Benefit Sharing in Cambodia – Donal Yeang, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
Skillshare Session 2A – Tenure and Access Rights
ICCAs in the ASEAN: Issues, Tools, Experiences – Tanya Conlu, NTFP-EP
Supporting the Territories and Areas Conserved by Community – Nasiri Sabiah, Area Base Coordinator, PACOS Trust
ICCAs in Vietnam: A review for putting forward – Hoang Xuan Thuy, Nguyen Viet Dung & Dang Xuan Truong – PanNature, Vietnam
Promotion and Recognition of Indigenous Community Conserved Areas (ICCA) in the Philippines – Kate Mana-Galido, NTFP-EP Philippines
Skillshare Session 2B – Community Economy & Livelihoods
Community Economy and Livelihoods
Day 2 – June 25
Opening Remark by Dr. Nguyen Phu Hung – Director of Science, Technology and International Cooperation/VNFOREST, Minisstry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD)
Community Economy and Livelihoods:
Community Economy and Livelihood (CEL) – Crissy Guerrero, NTFP-EP Asia
Lao Forest Honey: Overview of Honey production and marketing system – Somsack Sysomvang, Depute Head of Village Forest and NTFP Management Division, Lao
PARARA – Anang Setianwan, NTFP Indonesia
Governance Mechanisms:
Sustaining Collaborative and Innovative People-Centred Actions – Femy Pinto, NTFP-EP Asia
Experience of national multistakeholder SF groups in Cambodia – Tai KEO Tai, NTFP-EP-Cambodia
Experience of national multi stakeholder social forestry working groups in Myanmar – Ei Ei Swe Hlaing, Forest Research Institute, Forest Department, Myanmar
NTFP Policy Development in the Philippines – Olivia Melendrez, NTFP-EP Philippines
Safeguards – Atty. Edna Maguigad, NTFP-EP Asia
Vietnam REDD+ Safeguards – Le Ha Phuong State Steering Committee Office
FPIC experience in the Philippines- towards developing an ASEAN FPIC: Guidelines on SF and CC – Gillian S Dunuan, National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (Philippines)
Forest Tenure and Access Rights:
Forest Tenure and Access Rights – Dazzle Labapis, NTFP-EP Asia
Policy Development in Malaysia’s Indigenous Peoples’ Rights – SASOF Sabah, Malaysia
Development and opportunities for Customary Tenure in the new Forestry Law in Viet Nam – Ngo Van Hong, CIRD, Vietnam