Tucked away in the highlands of Hà Giang, the small…
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in FLEGT
On August 30, PanNature in collaboration with RECOFTC Vietnam and WWF Vietnam organized the Seminar on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT): Policy Prospects and Implications in Hanoi.
The objectives of this seminar are to:
- (i) identify gender and social issues to be addressed in relation to FLEGT VPA,
- (ii) identify activities through which gender and social issues have been (and can be) addressed in Vietnam’s FLEGT VPA, and
- (iii) identify opportunities challenges, and pathways to greater integration of activities that addresses gender and social issues in FLEGT VPA.
The seminar was attended by about 25 delegates, including representatives from EU Delegation in Vietnam, Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST), The Vietnam Forest Protection and Development Fund (VNFF) and relevant VNGOs.
The event is a part of the project “Strengthening Non-state actors’ Voices for Improved Forest Governance in the Mekong Region (EU-NSA Mekong)” funded by the European Union, jointly implemented by The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Vietnam.
The presentations in the Seminar:
Gender and Social Aspects in Forest Governance
PhD Kalpana Giri – RECOFTC
Strengthening NSAs’ voices for improved forest governance in the Mekong region
Mr. Etienne DELATTRE – Project Coordinator Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF) Project
Gender Mainstreaming in FLEGT
On behalf of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
Viet Nam VPA-FLEGT with EU: Current Status and Gender Nexus
Ms. Nguyen Tuong Van – Deputy Director (VNFOREST)
CSOs experience in VPA FLEGT: livelihoods impact assessment
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)