In Vietnam, management of wildlife diseases has garnered attention from both the State and the public. This is evident through a comprehensive system of regulations addressing diseases that can be transmitted from wildlife to humans spanning a range of documents, from laws to decrees and circulars. However, despite these efforts, the practical implementation of wildlife disease management still encounters numerous challenges and shortcomings.
Technical meeting on the development of participatory forest landscape governance framework
On August 24th – 25th, 2018, People and Nature Reconciliation organized the “Technical meeting on the development of participatory forest landscape governance framework” in Da Nang city, Vietnam.
The meeting aimed to:
- Connect and promote different stakeholders’ interest in content framework development, monitoring process, and forest landscape report to support the implementation of VPA-FLEGT, REDD+ and local forestry policies;
- Discuss, select and develop a set of rules, criteria and indicators in forest governance based on actual policy, monitoring and evaluation;
- Propose collaboration plan, and activities of the Technical Group on forest governance monitoring and report in the next phase.
The meeting was attended by 25 delegates, half of whom are women, from forest governance agencies, national parks, conservation areas, NGOs in forestry and universities.
This activity is under Voice for Mekong Forest (V4MF) Project funded by European Union and implemented in Vietnam by RECOFTC, PanNature, WWF-Vietnam.
The meeting’s documents are as follow in Vietnamese.
Prime Minister’s Decision on PRAP/REDD+
TWG-PFGF Development in Viet Nam – Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung – Mr. Hoang Xuan Thuy, People and Nature Reconciliation.