As the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 16.2) convened last week…

PanNature joined global effort to stop wildlife trade
PanNature has endorsed the petition to call national governments worldwide to act for a permanent end to the commercial trade and sale in markets where terrestrial wild animals are sold for consumption.
The Coalition to End the Trade was launched by Global Wildlife Conservation, Wildlife Conservation Society, and WildAid in the context of the spread of zoonotic disease COVID-19.
The Coalition to End the Trade aims to help ensure this never happens again by addressing the likely cause of this pandemic and others: the commercial trade and sale in markets of wild terrestrial animals (particularly mammals and birds), for consumption.
The commercial trade of wild terrestrial animals gives pathogens that have evolved with animals the perfect opportunity to jump to new hosts–humans–and spread through a globalized population. With this recognition, the coalition calls on all national governments to:
- Enact suitable legislation to permanently end commercial trade and sale of terrestrial wild animals for consumption;
- Empower relevant agencies to adequately enforce such legislation;
- Develop ethical and equitable transition measures for those whose livelihoods are impacted across the trade chain.
The coalition has set a target of 1 million signatures to send a strong message to governments around the world that people demand change for global health and security.
Join us to sign the petition at