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Evaluation of Agroforestry Model on Degraded Sloping Land in Kon Pne Commune, Kbang District, Gia Lai Province

On February 27, 2025, PanNature conducted an evaluation of the agroforestry model on degraded sloping land in Kon Pne Commune, Kbang District, Gia Lai Province.

The purpose of this evaluation was to assess the implementation process, growth, and development of green michelia (Michelia mediocris)  and macadamia trees on degraded cassava-growing land. The activity was attended by representatives from the Kbang District Agricultural Service Center and six Ba Na ethnic households participating in the pilot model.

 Kon Pne Commune is a remote area in Kbang District, characterized by steep terrain, degraded soil, and a strong dependence on agriculture. Due to soil degradation, declining crop yields caused by monoculture practices, and the impacts of climate change. PanNature has supported the pilot agroforestry model since September 2024. The initiative aims to help local farmers diversify crops, improve livelihoods, and protect soil resources. The project has provided technical support and tree seedlings to six households, enabling them to establish pilot plantations of green michelia, macadamia, and pineapple on degraded cassava land.

At the evaluation event, Mr. A Khuêi, the owner of an agroforestry model in Kon Kring Village, Kon Pne Commune, Kbang District, shared: “My family now knows how to plant and take care of trees. In the past, we bought trees and planted them without knowing how to care for them, so they grew very slowly. After participating in the agroforestry pilot model on cassava land, I received training and technical guidance, so now I know how to care for the trees in the future properly.”

The evaluation results will serve as a basis for adjusting the replanting and supplementary planting strategies, particularly by introducing pineapple cultivation into the model. This approach not only enhances crop diversity and reduces environmental impacts but also creates additional income sources for local communities.

This initiative is part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA2) project.

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