We would like to share updates about our activities in Q1 2024


Conservation. Adaptation. Restoration. Engagement

Dear colleagues, partners, and valuable donors,

As we bid farewell to the first quarter of 2024, we’re excited to share the remarkable strides we’ve made together. Our partners and supporters have been the driving force behind our conservation vision, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you. In this edition, we’ll delve into inspiring stories from the past three months—stories that showcase our collective impact. Thank you for being part of our journey. Let’s continue working hand in hand, shaping a brighter, greener future for our planet

With gratitude,

PanNature Team


Celebrating PanNature’s 18th Anniversary
and Looking Back 2023

Celebrating 18 Years of Conservation Impact
This year marks a significant milestone for PanNature - our 18th anniversary! Since our inception in 2004 and formal registration in 2006, we've been relentlessly dedicated to promoting conservation and sustainable development in Vietnam. Over the past 18 years, we've worked to make meaningful strides in protecting biodiversity and advocating for environmental policies that benefit Vietnam's unique ecosystems.

A Team Committed to the Future
Our success wouldn't be possible without our dedicated team of staff, experts, and partners. They share our vision and work tirelessly to achieve our mission. As we look towards the future, PanNature remains firmly committed to creating a positive impact on Vietnam's environment and communities.

Charting the Course for 2024
On February 1st, we held our annual meeting at the Hanoi headquarters. Staff, including those from the field, gathered for a productive day. Our Deputy Executive Director, Dr. Nguyen Hai Van, presented on an exciting new initiative - The Flourishing Landscapes Program. We discussed last year's achievements, fundraising efforts, and comprehensive plans for 2024. The meeting also included sessions on key environmental topics and organizational capacity building, ensuring our team has the tools they need to succeed.

A Celebration of Achievements and Looking Ahead
The full-day session concluded with a celebratory year-end gathering. After a remarkable and challenging year, PanNature is optimistic that 2024 will be marked by significant progress in biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and environmental protection in Vietnam.


Dine with a Difference: Support Forest Restoration with Giving Lunch

Giving Lunch is a unique Vietnamese community movement where passionate individuals, primarily successful business leaders and intellectuals, host charity auctions.

Here's the twist: the auction prize is lunch with the host! This creates a fun and engaging experience while raising money for social causes close to the host's heart. Giving Lunch prioritizes impactful and sustainable projects across Vietnam.

Since its inception, Giving Lunch has fostered a spirit of generosity. In 2019 and 2020 alone, over 20 passionate hosts raised a staggering 4 billion VND for various social projects! Their vision extends beyond immediate impact – Giving Lunch aims for a 20-year legacy (2020-2040) of inspiring continuous giving within the business and intellectual community.

We're thrilled that PanNature was chosen as one of eight beneficiaries for Giving Lunch in 2023-2024! Funds raised will support our critical forest restoration project in the corridor areas between Hoa Binh and Son La provinces. By restoring the degraded forest, we'll expand vital habitat for endangered wildlife like the Northern White-cheeked Gibbon.

Huge Thanks to Our Giving Lunch Ambassadors:

1. Dr. Đặng Hoàng Giang, Book Author
2. Mr. Nguyễn Mạnh Tường, CEO of MoMo
3. Mr. Đỗ Việt Anh, CEO of BOO Fashion
4. Mr. Bùi Quang Minh,  Sharktank Investor
5. Mr. Trương Anh Ngọc, Journalist
6. Ms. Trương Hoài Anh, Blogger
7. Ms. Ngô Thùy Ngọc Tú, Chairwoman of YOLA
8. Mr. Lê Anh Bằng, Likvietnam
9. Ms. Trần Lệ Thùy, Journalist - MediaEdu
10. Dr. Nguyễn Hoàng Ánh, ABG Advisor
11. Mr. Tô Mạnh Hoàng, CEO of DataPot

We extend a special thank you to Mr. Nguyen Hoanh Tien and the wonderful team at MoMo for their generous support of our Giving Lunch initiative.

Tien Hai Reserve Saved from Development 
Vietnam's Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has signed a decree to fully preserve the Tien Hai Wetland Reserve, which is part of the UNESCO-designated Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve. The decision follows efforts to raise awareness about the reserve's ecological importance. The wetland reserve in the Northern coastal province of Thai Binh attracted attention in 2023 when the provincial government announced plans to withdraw protection from 90% of the territory. The reduction would have made way for a proposed residential, resort, and golf course complex known as the Con Vanh Ecological Urban Area. The initiative, which violated the Law on Forest Protection and Development, elicited critical reactions from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 
Read full article on Mongbay

PanNature Joins Forces for Flourishing Landscapes (2023-2026)

PanNature is excited to announce our participation in the Flourishing Landscapes Program (2023-2026)! This exciting initiative, awarded by a grant from the Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate and led by the University of Oxford, brings together a powerful consortium of industry, civil society, and academic partners.

The program's mission is to empower communities and food system actors to harness the power of nature-based solutions. By leveraging biodiversity, these solutions aim to deliver a range of benefits, promoting a more sustainable and resilient future.

Stay tuned for further updates on PanNature's involvement in this groundbreaking program!

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GLA Partners Convene: Sharing Progress and Building a Sustainable Future for Gia Lai's Forests

PanNature is proud to be part of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA), a collaborative effort promoting sustainable forest management. The GLA tackles critical issues like climate change, rights of local communities, and sustainable livelihoods, aiming for inclusive and resilient governance of tropical forests.

In K'bang town, Gia Lai province, PanNature joined forces with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Institute of Southern Ecology to host a workshop focused on summarizing achievements from the 2023 GLA Project Work Program and collaboratively developing a plan for 2024.

The workshop provided a valuable platform for relevant parties to share progress, discuss challenges, and refine strategies for the coming year. This collaborative approach is key to ensuring the continued success of the GLA Project and its positive impact on Gia Lai province's forests and communities.

Watch the event video

1,000 Shoots for a Sustainable Future

In the spirit of World Wildlife Day (March 3rd, 2024), PanNature joined forces with the Green Earth volunteer community group and the local community in Tun village, Son La province. Together, they embarked on a collaborative effort to plant and restore native bamboo shoot forests.

This inspiring initiative involved planting 1,000 native bamboo shoot seedlings across 2 hectares of land within the Xuan Nha Nature Reserve buffer zone. This project serves a dual purpose:

  • Environmental Restoration: The reforestation efforts will help to revitalize bare hillside areas, promoting biodiversity and enhancing the health of the local ecosystem.
  • Sustainable Livelihoods: The planted bamboo forests offer a promising source of future income for local residents. Once the bamboo reaches maturity (within 2-3 years), it can be sustainably harvested for bamboo shoots.

PanNature's collaboration with the Green Earth volunteers and local community exemplifies the power of collective action in achieving positive environmental and social change.

Lights Off, Ideas On!

On March 23rd, PanNature partnered with Boo, a Vietnamese fashion company, for a festival held at The Loop in Hanoi. This engaging event focused on inspiring young people to embrace environmental responsibility.

The festival offered a vibrant platform for:

Raising Awareness: PanNature successfully connected with young people, fostering their interest in supporting conservation programs and reforestation efforts.
Promoting Sustainability: The event showcased eco-friendly products and provided a platform for exchanging reusable items, encouraging sustainable consumption habits.
Community Building: Following the festival, participants celebrated Earth Hour together by turning off lights and lighting candles, fostering a sense of community and collective action.

PanNature's collaboration with Boo at this successful event demonstrates the power of engaging young audiences in environmental solutions.

Help Us Re-green the Limestone Corridor

For nearly two decades, PanNature has been working for nature and biodiversity in Vietnam. This year, we're embarking on a critical initiative – restoring 50 hectares of forest along the vital limestone mountain corridor connecting Hoa Binh and Son La provinces.

Restoring a Fragmented Ecosystem
This critical corridor faces a significant threat: deforestation and habitat degradation. Your generous contribution will directly support our Reforestation Program, allowing us to:

  • Restoring forests: We aim to raise 500,000,000 VND to plant native trees and restore the ecological balance of the region. With the Giving Lunch campaign, we’ve raised 250,000,000 VND.
  • Expand our impact: With an additional 250,000,000 VND, we can significantly increase the area of forest restoration, bringing us closer to our ambitious goal for 2024.

Every Contribution Makes a Difference
Together, we can regreen the limestone corridor and ensure a flourishing future for generations to come. Donate today and become a part of the solution!

For international supporters
For supporters in Vietnam

Raising Awareness, Celebrating Culture: Hoa Ban Food Partners with PanNature

PanNature is excited to announce a collaborative effort with Hoa Ban, a renowned Vietnamese food company with a popular YouTube channel. This partnership leverages Hoa Ban's platform to raise awareness about environmental conservation and local cultural preservation.

Shining a Light on Tradition and Sustainability
During a two-day visit to Van Ho, the Hoa Ban team documented captivating stories about the unique New Year traditions and cultural aspects of the H’mong communities. These insightful videos not only celebrate local heritage but also incorporate a vital message: the importance of protecting wildlife and avoiding the use of wildlife products.

PanNature's work in the area is prominently featured in the content, fostering public understanding of conservation efforts. This collaboration represents a powerful step towards:

  • Engaging a Wider Audience: Leveraging Hoa Ban's extensive reach to raise awareness about environmental issues among local communities.
  • Promoting Cultural Preservation: Highlighting and celebrating the rich traditions of Van Ho.
  • Encouraging Sustainable Practices: Educating viewers on the importance of protecting wildlife.

PanNature commends Hoa Ban's commitment to social responsibility and their dedication to fostering a more sustainable future for Vietnam.

A Testimonial from an International Intern

PanNature welcomes a passionate community of international volunteers and interns eager to contribute to Vietnam's environmental protection and nature conservation efforts. See how a recent intern's experience exemplifies the incredible opportunity to make a real difference!


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People and Nature Reconciliation
NV 31, Khu do thi Trung Van, Trung Van, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam

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