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Should ‘wet markets’ be banned?

Mr. Trinh Le Nguyen, PanNature's Executive Director was joining Al Jazeera News's online panel discussing wildlife trade and control measures in Vietnam.   Coronavirus pandemic leads to growing calls to ban markets where many people buy fresh meat and vegetables. Scientists…

PanNature Deputy Director Resignation

After 13 years of dedication to PanNature, Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung has resigned from the position of Deputy Director. As one of PanNature’s very founding members, Mr.Nguyen Viet Dung plays a crucial role in the organization’s development. Directly overseeing the…

Save the Mekong Calls for New Transboundary Impact Assessment and Suspension of Pak Lay Dam

On the occasion of the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC) regional stakeholder forum on the Pak Lay Hydropower Project, Save the Mekong - a coalition of non-government organizations, community groups and concerned citizens in the Mekong region - calls for a new Transboundary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (TBESIA) and Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for the proposed Pak Lay dam due to the poor quality of the current assessments. Pak Lay is the fourth dam on the lower Mekong mainstream in Lao PDR and has recently commenced the MRC’s Prior Consultation procedure.

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