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Recommendations for VPA/FLEGT Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism

On August 14, 2020, at the People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) office, representatives of RECOFTC Vietnam, WWF Vietnam (participating online), and PanNature had a meeting with the VPA/FLEGT  Monitoring and Evaluation advisory group to provide recommendations on the development of the draft framework.

Shaping a sustainable future in the forests of the A Luoi Valley

The A Luoi Valley bears the scars of war and suffered the tactical use of herbicides. Today it also faces the challenges of deforestation, reforestation, and struggles for resources between diverse stakeholder groups. How do people in the A Luoi Valley in Vietnam manage their forestland in times of accelerated climate change, and what are their livelihood needs?

Can Vietnam Prevent the Next Pandemic?

As zoonotic diseases become more dangerous, Vietnam moves toward cracking down on wildlife trafficking. A growing awareness of the links between wildlife trafficking and SARS, COVID-19, and other infectious diseases has prompted the Vietnamese prime minister to issue an executive…

Data Literacy Training

The first training in a series of training courses on data literacy is organized by PanNature in collaboration with Open Data Institute (ODI) in Ha Long, Quang Ninh province from July 6 to 10.

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