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Biodiversity mainstreamed in environmental assessment

A workshop by the People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) in Hanoi on March 24 attracted nearly 60 representatives from the Vietnam Environment Administration, Vietnam Administration of Forestry and several national parks and non-governmental organizations. The theme of the meeting was mainstreaming biodiversity criteria in environmental impact assessments in Vietnam.

Workshop on Key findings of consultative process study in the context of law making process in Vietnam

On 20th March 2015, National Legislative Development Project (NLD) organized a workshop named “Key findings on consultative process study in context of law making process in Vietnam”. The workshop was to introduce some key findings on the consultative process in the law making process in Vietnam and some recommendations to the draft Law on Promulgation of Legal Normative Documents (LPLND).

Green Talk: Comparing the Discourse on Climate Change and Sustainable Development between Environmental NGOs and the State in Vietnam and Bolivia

Environmental non-government organizations (ENGOs) and national governments are key players in the political sphere surrounding issues of climate change and sustainable development. The relationships between the discourse on "climate change" and "sustainable development" and ENGOs and the state in both Vietnam and Bolivia provides a critical look into the ways in which these issues are approached in two highly-vulnerable countries with different political regimes

Where is South-East Asia?

After Typhoon Hagupit hit the Philippines last week, attention was once again drawn to the South-East Southeast Asian region. Yet, while the Philippines has an active role in the climate talks given its vulnerability and frequent impassioned pleas to spur…

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