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Strengthening forest governance is vital for growth of Southeast Asia’s forests

Voices for Mekong Forests (V4MF), a regional project led by RECOFTC, began in 2017 to address this problem by doing just that. “Governance nowadays involves multiple processes that often require and can benefit from the active and positive contribution of civil society,” said Etienne Delattre, project coordinator for V4MF, in an interview. “[CSOs] bring the voices and convey the messages [of] local people and grassroots.”

My Good Experiences in Van Ho

When I was 23-26, I lived as an expat in Ho Chi Minh City. During that time, Vietnam became very dear to me. After moving back to my home country Denmark for two and a half years, I decided to come back to write my Msc thesis. As much as I thought I “knew” Vietnam, I was fully aware that there is so much more to this country than what the lively streets of Saigon have to offer. And as much is I enjoy everything Vietnam has given me, I wanted to give something back to the country that had taught me so much. When PanNature offered to host me in Vân H? in S?n La Province during my stay, I knew that this would be nothing like my former experiences.

Training for Trainers: “Facilitation Capacities in Training”

In order to enhance capacities of forestry governance officers and those who facilitate different stakeholders in forest governance, the Center for People and Forest (RECOFTC), People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) co-organized a training for trainers (TOT) "Facilitation capacities in training" in Da Nang, Vietnam from October 8th to October 12th.

Save the Mekong Calls for New Transboundary Impact Assessment and Suspension of Pak Lay Dam

On the occasion of the Mekong River Commission’s (MRC) regional stakeholder forum on the Pak Lay Hydropower Project, Save the Mekong - a coalition of non-government organizations, community groups and concerned citizens in the Mekong region - calls for a new Transboundary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (TBESIA) and Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for the proposed Pak Lay dam due to the poor quality of the current assessments. Pak Lay is the fourth dam on the lower Mekong mainstream in Lao PDR and has recently commenced the MRC’s Prior Consultation procedure.

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