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Training on biodiversity conservation for the Kon Pne community

PanNature organized two training sessions in 2023: preserving the survival of wild animals and plants in Kon Pne in September and assessing the community's biodiversity status in November. Participants include the Community Development Boards of three villages, household representatives, and the Kon Pne Commune Forest Protection Group. The training method incorporates general knowledge of biodiversity, field observation and practice, and particular activities like forest patrols, biodiversity monitoring, and so on. PanNature plans to continue more capacity-building activities on biodiversity monitoring, sustainable use and equitable benefit sharing, and developing and maintaining community-managed conservation areas in 2024.

Field Survey in Van Ho to Identify Potential Areas to Prepare a Forest Restoration Plan for 2024

Farming and local livelihood development are encroaching on the Van Ho forest's rich biodiversity, which threatens the survival of a small population of the Northern White-cheeked Gibbon sharing the same home. PanNature has worked with local communities and authorities to boost conservation efforts to rebuild fragmented forest regions. Following the successful forest restoration campaign in May 2023, which drew approximately 200 participants, PanNature will continue annual events to mobilize local actions for regreening forests.

Tien Hai Nature Reserve latest battleground in Vietnam’s push for development

No construction work has followed the decision, and the issue went largely unnoticed until August, when Trinh Le Nguyen, executive director of the environmental NGO People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature), began writing about it on Facebook. In a post dated Aug. 11, Nguyen noted that Tien Hai is part of the broader Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve. Established in 2004, the biosphere reserve spans 137,261 hectares (339,179 acres), including a core area, buffer zone and transition zone across terrestrial and marine areas. “The core area, the heart of the biosphere reserve, includes Tien Hai Nature Reserve and Xuan Thuy National Park,” Nguyen wrote.

Reforestation Activities in Van Ho with Support from the Business Sector

The success of the forest restoration campaign in May 2023 would not be possible without valuable support from the engagement and support of local companies. Momo, a leading electronic payment platform, helped PanNature to carry out crowd fundraising with a total of nearly 80 million Dong (about 3,285 US dollars). We also received donations, both in-kind and cash, from two big companies TH True Milks and Tupperware, in addition to in-kind donations from the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. 

ERPA Handbook: Q&A for individuals, households and communities

The North Central Region GHG Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) is a carbon transfer agreement signed on October 20, 2020 between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Bank for Reconstruction and Development. International Development (IBRD), trustee of the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF).

Sustainability Leaders’ Summit 2023: Towards a Greener World

To promote sustainable business models and celebrate pioneering mindsets, Forbes Vietnam will organize Sustainability Leaders’ Summit under the theme Towards a Greener World. This forum will bring together experts and leaders from leading companies to discuss the most critical topics, such as carbon emissions reduction, waste treatment, fight against climate change while sustaining growth and prosperity.

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