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Gaps and potential risks in the implementation of regulations on labour contracts, employee insurance, and occupational safety in micro and small-sized timber enterprises in the context of VPA/FLEGT implementation

As a member of VNGO-FLEGT Network, under the coordination of the Centre for Rural Development in Central Vietnam (CRD), PanNature and organizations of the network have contributed to develop and publish the policy brief on “Gaps and potential risks in…

Invasive Alien Plant Species in Vietnam: A case study of Solanum viarum in Hang Kia – Pà Cò

"I want to thank the local NGO, PanNature, who took me in during the study, helped me get a research permit as well as helped me a great deal before my arrival to the field. I specifically want to thank the director of PanNature, Mr. Nguyen Trinh Le, who decided to invite me to Vietnam and Mr. Nguyen Duc To Luu, who helped me plan my research and carry out experiments in the field. Mr. Thang and Mr. Liem, the two field officers who lived at the field office in Vân H?, helped me narrow down my study area, introduced me to the rangers and government officials in Hang Kia – Pà Cò nature reserve and helped me build the setup for my germination experiment. In addition to practical help, they also cooked for me several times a day, took me around the area for different events and dinners and became my friends during my three month stay in Vân H?. I am forever grateful for their hospitality and warm personalities, which made me feel at home, so far from home." -  Luna wrote in Acknowledgments of the thesis.

Policy Review “Vietnam’s Wildlife: Drained & Unsustained”

PanNature’s Policy Newsletter No. 29-30 (Quarters I-II/2018) with the topic: "Vietnam Wildlife: Drained & Unsustained" analyzed the current status of illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam, difficulties in law enforcement and conservation, some policy and legal constraints, and recommendations to authorities to revise policies and tighten the enforcement of the wildlife protection laws.

Vietnam’s PFAS Situation Report

PanNature took part in the IPEN's surveys to explore possible PFAS uses and pollution sources, scientific studies and government actions, including under the Stockholm Convention, in Vietnam. The Vietnam's PFAS situation report summarizes press reports and scientific studies on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Vietnam from 2014 - 2018, contributes to IPEN’s Toxics-Free SDGs Campaign.

Policy Review 27-28: Vietnam’s forestry in the new context

The policy review discusses the imminent changes and challenges for Vietnam's forestry sector as it enters a new phase, driven by various factors such as growth in the wood furniture processing and export industry, and improved forest governance. It offers expert recommendations on improving community involvement, handling conflicts in forest land use, better benefit-sharing practices, and enhancing the role of social organizations in forest governance.

Assessing Forest Governance in Vietnam

Viet Nam remains home to great numbers of vulnerable and poor people, especially among the rural population and ethnic minorities - many of whom depend on forest resources. These forests face numerous pressures including illegal logging, infrastructure development and agricultural expansion. RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, working with WWF and PanNature as part of the European Union-funded Voices for the Mekong Forests (V4MF) project, is seeking to better understand the governance challenges and opportunities in Viet Nam’s forestry sector, as well as putting forward a programme to address these through the empowerment of non-state actors (NSAs).

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