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Field Survey in Van Ho to Identify Potential Areas to Prepare a Forest Restoration Plan for 2024

Farming and local livelihood development are encroaching on the Van Ho forest's rich biodiversity, which threatens the survival of a small population of the Northern White-cheeked Gibbon sharing the same home. PanNature has worked with local communities and authorities to boost conservation efforts to rebuild fragmented forest regions. Following the successful forest restoration campaign in May 2023, which drew approximately 200 participants, PanNature will continue annual events to mobilize local actions for regreening forests.

Customary Tenure in Relation to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent and Existing Safeguards for Indigenous People and Local Communitie

This study, conducted by PanNature with financial and technical support from the NTFP-EP program, primarily aims to evaluate the impact of community consultation processes and mechanisms ensuring community participation in recognizing traditional rights in Vietnam, with a particular emphasis on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC). The study focuses on regions characterized by mountainous terrain and forest landscapes.

Reforestation Activities in Van Ho with Support from the Business Sector

The success of the forest restoration campaign in May 2023 would not be possible without valuable support from the engagement and support of local companies. Momo, a leading electronic payment platform, helped PanNature to carry out crowd fundraising with a total of nearly 80 million Dong (about 3,285 US dollars). We also received donations, both in-kind and cash, from two big companies TH True Milks and Tupperware, in addition to in-kind donations from the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations. 

ERPA Handbook: Q&A for individuals, households and communities

The North Central Region GHG Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) is a carbon transfer agreement signed on October 20, 2020 between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Bank for Reconstruction and Development. International Development (IBRD), trustee of the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF).

Seminar on Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in North Central Emission Reduction Benefits

To share and discuss the North Central Region Emission Reduction Payment Agreement (ERPA) aiming to support the community and relevant parties to implement the forest emission reduction payment policy effectively, PanNature organized a series of consultation meetings, workshops, seminars, and training on the ERPA benefit sharing plan in two provinces of Thua Thien - Hue and Quang Binh.

Indigenous Communities – Bodyguards of the Forest

In Vietnam, many forests are being effectively managed by the most active guardians - the local communities - thanks to their cultural norms: the forest left by their ancestors is also the place where the forest god resides. It’s the traditional regulations and laws imprinted through the traditional practice of worshiping the sacredness of the gods that guide the community to manage and protect these forests for hundreds and thousands of years. However, there are challenges ahead that hinder them from playing their role.

Barriers to Combating the Illegal Trade of WildLife

The Covid 19 pandemic has been upended the world for the last two years, causing dramatic losses of human lives and social and economic disruption. Along with immeasurable losses, the pandemic has also entailed socio-economic changes and humanity's perception of the world we are dwelling in. The virus that causes the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to originate from wild animals. Although this is not a firm conclusion up to this point, it is a deeper warning than ever about the human way of life, which exploits nature indiscriminately, causes ecosystems to deteriorate, and leads to irreversible damages.

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