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Seminar: The Fate of Tigers and the Status of Endangered Species Conservation in Vietnam

On the occasion of International Tiger Conservation Day (29/7), People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) in cooperation with WCS organized the seminar “The Fate of Tigers and the Status of Endangered Species Conservation in Vietnam” in order to review and discuss on-going wildlife conservation efforts in Vietnam and to identify constraints, challenges, prospects and opportunities for the future.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in FLEGT

The seminar on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT): Policy Prospects and Implications took place on August 30, in Hanoi. The event is a part of the project Strengthening Non-state actors’ Voices for Improved Forest Governance in the Mekong Region (EU-NSA Mekong) funded by the European Union, jointly implemented by The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Vietnam.

CSO Forum on Social Forestry in ASEAN Statement 7th ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry Conference 2017

7th ASEAN Working Group on Social Forestry Conference is entitled “Social Forestry in Forest Landscape Restoration: Enabling Partnership and Investments for Sustainable Development Goals” held on 12-16 June 2017 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. PanNature along with Forland and CSDM were the three Vietnamese representatives to attend the Conference. M.Sc Nguyen Hai Van, Policy Manager of PanNature presented about Promoting the official recognition for ICCA in Vietnam and cor-chair group discussion about "safeguard" with NTFP.

Project addresses timber trade

A European Union-funded project addressing the timber industry in Viet Nam and Laos was launched yesterday in Ha Noi by the Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VnForest), The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature).

WWF, Vnforest and PanNature Co-Start a Project to Support Vietnam – EU Negotiation on Legal Timber Havesting and Trade

Hanoi – 21 Aug 2014, Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) - Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) and People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) co-launch the project of Common Assess to Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) process in Vietnam and Laos to support the Government of Vietnam in the negotiation and implementation of the VPA with the European Union (EU) in the framework of the initiative on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) contributing to the sustainable development of the national industry of timber processing & export and in line with international regulations.

Villages urged to prevent illegal logging

The legality of timber and wood products should be promoted to curb illegal logging, according to a meeting in Ha Noi yesterday. The conference, held by the Forest Legality Alliance (FLA) and People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature), also called for concerned agencies, including the Government, businesses and households, to ensure that only legal timber is used.

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