What we've been up to in the last three months ...
Conservation. Adaptation. Restoration. Engagement

Hi everyone,

It’s hard to believe another quarter has passed! We’re excited to share what we’ve been up to at PanNature.

Your support makes our work possible. Thanks to you, we’re making a difference for our planet. Read on to learn more!

The PanNature Team

PanNature Celebrates World Environment Day with Forest Restoration Campaign

On World Environment Day (June 5th), PanNature joined forces with several organizations to launch the Regreening Forest 2024 (“Rung Xanh Len!”) initiative. Nearly 300 participants planted 16,000 trees across 25 hectares in Van Ho commune (Son La province) and Hang Kia-Pa Co Nature Reserve (Hoa Binh province). This initiative aims to restore a critical ecological corridor that also serves as the habitat for the endangered Northern White-cheeked gibbon.

PanNature is committed to ecosystem restoration, working alongside local communities to create a sustainable future. PanNature's exciting Regreening Forest aims to restore 500 hectares of forest connecting Mai Chau and Van Ho districts in Northern Vietnam by 2030. This vital corridor provides habitats for countless species and supports local communities.

Here's the good news!

On World Environment Day (June 5th), Vietnam Airlines and MoMo Travel launched an exciting initiative to support our Regreening Forest campaign.  This new initiative will begin by contributing funds to restore 50 hectares of desecrated forest land.

For each Vietnam Airlines ticket purchase exceeding 2,000,000 VND made through their platforms, Momo Travel and Vietnam Airlines will automatically contribute 5,000 VND to our restoration campaign.

You can also participate by donating to the Regreening  Forest campaign directly here >>

Green Livelihood Alliance (GLA2) Project Highlights

The Green Livelihood Alliance (GLA2) project is making significant progress in three villages in Kon Pne commune bordering Kon Ka Kinh National Park and Kon Chu Rang Nature Reserve in Gia Lai province. GLA2 is also collaborating with  Dak Lak Rubber Company in Dak Lak province.

Highlights From the First Half of 2024:

  • Empowering communities: Training workshops on planning sustainable agriculture (CSA) and bamboo shoot production using organic practices.
  • Supporting sustainable rubber production: Providing FSC certification guidance and conducting risk assessments for Dak Lak Rubber Company.
  • Promoting local involvement: Organizing a provincial workshop to discuss conservation and livelihood strategies .

Plans for the Second Half of 2024:

  • Continued community support: Implementing CSA practices in Kon Pne, promoting sustainable bamboo shoot production, and developing a forest management plan.
  • Dak Lak Rubber Company assistance: Guiding them towards FSC certification and full EUDR compliance.
  • OECM knowledge sharing: Publishing a brochure on successful OECMs (Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures) and engaging in national discussions on OECM policies.
  • Empowering all voices: Exploring the role of women, youth, and traditional cultures in Kon Pne's forest management
PanNature and Dakruco Continue Partnership to Promote Sustainable Rubber Production

PanNature is excited to renew its collaboration with Dak Lak Rubber Joint Stock Company (Dakruco) to promote sustainable forest management practices in rubber production. This partnership focuses on achieving two main goals:

1. FSC Certification: Supporting Dakruco in achieving Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, which recognizes responsible forest management practices.

2. Environmental Responsibility: Helping Dakruco become a leader in environmental responsibility within the Vietnamese rubber industry.

Key Activities:

  • Developing an Ecological Restoration Plan: This plan will ensure at least 10% of Dakruco's plantations are dedicated to restoring forest ecosystems, a requirement for FSC certification.
  • Stakeholder Outreach: Informative signs will be placed throughout production areas to educate stakeholders about FSC standards, wildlife conservation efforts, and forest restoration initiatives.
  • Assessing EUDR Compliance Readiness: PanNature will assist Dakruco in evaluating their readiness to meet the new EU Deforestation Regulations  (EUDR) for sustainable forestry practices.
  • Wildlife Conservation Plan: This plan will focus on protecting bird and wildlife populations within Dakruco's FSC-certified rubber plantations.

This partnership sets a strong example for the Vietnamese rubber industry and promotes environmentally responsible practices.

Support Journalists in Biodiversity Storytelling

The world is facing critical global challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. The media plays a vital role in raising awareness and inspiring action. However, environmental issues are often complex, and require specialized knowledge. Conservation, while deeply relevant to our lives, is often under-reported and lacks diverse perspectives.

PanNature, recognizing this gap, organized a program for journalists to delve into biodiversity conservation - specifically the balance between conservation and sustainable development.

Experiential Learning in Ninh Binh

Between June 6th and June 8th of 2024, over 40 journalists from local press agencies in Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Cao Bang, Bac Kan and Hanoi came together with guest experts to participate in the program. The immersive experience took them to key conservation sites in Ninh Binh:

Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve: Here, journalists learned about the critically endangered Delacour's Langur. Their current population is estimated at 250-260, though research suggests this number may be an underestimate. Van Long serves as a model for community-based conservation, successfully balancing preservation and development.

Ninh Binh Bear Conservation Facility: Journalists gained firsthand knowledge of bear rescue efforts. Each bear has a unique and compelling story, highlighting the cruel practice of bear bile extraction and the illegal wildlife trade.

Cuc Phuong National Park: This session focused on equipping journalists with conservation storytelling skills. Experts shared techniques for crafting compelling, truthful, and objective environmental narratives, including how to tackle challenging topics.

The program resonated deeply with participating journalists. They witnessed the wonders of nature and the urgent need for conservation action. The trip ignited their passion to explore and share stories on species conservation, protecting nature, and environmental well-being in Vietnam.

This program underscores PanNature's commitment to empowering journalists to become effective voices for biodiversity conservation.

Van Ho Field Office Welcomes Special Guests

In late March 2024, PanNature’s field office in Van Ho (Son La province) welcomed representatives of the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). CEPF has been a valuable supporter to PanNature’s growth for over a decade. They’re also a critical funding partner for global biodiversity conservation efforts.

The CEPF visit included a firsthand look at the positive impact of PanNature's field activities. This included viewing the fuel-efficient wood stoves in Pa Cop village, which are significantly reducing firewood use and impacts on forests. It also included a tour of Xuan Nha Clean Bamboo Cooperative, where the group gained insights into their sustainable bamboo value chain. The visit culminated in a visit to a bamboo weaving group in Xuan Nha commune, showcasing the economic potential that sustainable practices can unlock for local communities. The visit concluded with a powerful reminder of the region's irreplaceable biodiversity: an encounter with the endangered Northern White-cheeked gibbons that call the Van Ho forest home.

PanNature would like to thank CEPF representatives for their ideas and recommendations for our activities during the visit, as well as their long-term partnership which enables non-state actors to carry out conservation work on the ground.

Fuel-Efficient Wood Stoves: A Win for Homes and Forests

PanNature is working with local communities to carry out the  Fuel-Efficient Wood Stove  Initiative in  Van Ho commune (Son La province). Just in time for Tet celebrations in January 2024, 10 families received brand-new, fuel-efficient stoves.

These fuel-efficient stoves offer a double benefit: reducing firewood consumption by up to 60%, while simultaneously reducing the time spent by families on cooking and wood gathering by 35%. This translates to real savings for residents, who can potentially cut their annual firewood usage from 1-2 carloads to just 1-2 cubic meters. Imagine the time saved from collecting firewood and the money saved on fuel costs!

Vang A Mang, a resident of Pa Cop village, expressed his enthusiasm for the program: "We do this to save money. Each year, a family uses 1 to 2 carloads [of firewood]. Doing this, only 1 to 2 cubic meters [of firewood] will be enough for the whole year. I hope all villagers do the same."

This is just the beginning! PanNature's vision is to expand the "Reducing      Firewood to Preserve the Forest" initiative by building 200 additional stoves for families in Van Ho commune. To achieve this ambitious goal, we're aiming to raise 300 million VND through online fundraising and supporting partnerships.

But how does this initiative benefit the environment? By reducing firewood consumption, we directly contribute to the preservation of the precious forests surrounding Van Ho commune. Less woodcutting translates to healthier ecosystems, improved air quality, and a richer habitat for endangered species.

Here's how you can be part of the solution:

Protecting Endangered Conifers

Backed by Franklinia Foundation, PanNature is starting a new project to save threatened conifers in Son La province, Vietnam. The team, led by Nguyen Duc To Luu, has already secured support from local authorities and the Xuan Nha Nature Reserve. 

Initial surveys revealed a concerning decline in the population of these endangered species, finding evidence of past exploitation and also showing potential locations of endangered cypress pine (Cunninghamia konishii). Spruce assessments in Ta Sua Nature Reserve identified distribution areas for further study.

PanNature's 2024 plan focuses on assessing the conservation status of target pines and evaluating current forest practices to develop sustainable management plans. We remain committed to collaborating with local communities to ensure project success and preserve the area's biodiversity.

PanNature and Son La Forest Protection Department Discuss Potential Partnership in Biodiversity Conservation

On March 22nd, 2024, PanNature and the Son La Forest Protection Department convened for a crucial meeting that addressed the province's biodiversity conservation challenges, including deforestation, wildlife hunting, land encroachment, unsustainable farming practices, and resource extraction.

PanNature pledged to support the Forest Protection Department in tackling these issues, providing its expertise from first-hand experience. The meeting concluded with a commitment to develop a collaborative action plan on key priorities. These include:

Capacity Building: Training the staff of Son La's nature reserves, special-use forests, and protected areas on crucial skills such as biodiversity surveys, database development, and utilizing technology for patrolling and conservation efforts.

Corridor Conservation: Researching solutions for sustainable management of the critical ecological corridors connecting protected areas in the province.

Endangered Species Protection: Conservation of endemic endangered species like the Northern White-cheeked Gibbon and various species of pine.

Community Support: Establishing regulations for forest protection and management, efficient use of payment for forest ecosystem services, and implementing sustainable livelihood development initiatives.

This potential collaborative effort between PanNature and the Son La Forest Protection Department signifies a significant step towards improved forest management, protection, and biodiversity conservation in Son La province. By working together, both organizations hope to ensure a thriving natural environment that benefits both wildlife and local communities.

South Africa's Draft Strategy Raises Concerns for Conservation

PanNature is raising concern over a proposed policy in South Africa's National Biodiversity Economic Strategy (NBES) draft.

Included within the draft is Action 10.4, which proposes legalizing domestic trade in wildlife products, including rhino horn and ivory. This has sparked serious concerns from PanNature and other conservation organizations worldwide.

PanNature's Petition and Concerns:

PanNature submitted a formal petition to the South African Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) on April 5, 2024. The petition outlines several critical concerns regarding Action 10.4:

Escalated Poaching: Legal domestic trade could create a market that fuels demand and incentivizes for the poaching of already threatened species like rhinos and elephants.

Jeopardized International Commitments: South Africa is a signatory to CITES: an international agreement prohibiting commercial trade in these wildlife products. This policy could damage South Africa's international reputation and undermine global conservation efforts.

Ineffective for Tourists: CITES regulations would still prevent tourists from bringing rhino horn and ivory home.

Focus on Exploitation over Conservation: The NBES draft seems more focused on profiting from biodiversity than protecting it.

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Majority World Voices Heard: INGOs and Donors Commit to Change

We would like to share some exciting news with the PanNature community! A collective effort led by over 1,800 Majority World actors and community-based organizations, including PanNature, is making a significant impact on how international development is approached.    

This movement for more inclusive development practices has resonated with international NGOs (INGOs) and donors. Already, 36 INGOs and donors have signed a commitment letter, pledging to improve practices, actively listen to local voices, and stand in solidarity with communities. More are joining daily!

The impact extends even further, with USAID Administrator Samantha Power acknowledging the need for change. Her letter highlights how USAID is integrating the call to action with their aid strategies for a more inclusive approach.         

This significant progress is a testament to the unwavering solidarity of the Majority World. PanNature is proud to have been part of this movement.

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People and Nature Reconciliation
NV 31, Khu do thi Trung Van, Trung Van, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi, Vietnam